The heaven is one of the subjects, which has noticed in particular in Holy Quran. God considers the creation of heaven, as his sign, and it has mentioned in many Ayah, in Holy Quran. This book with mentioning some properties, is advised Man to thinking and reflection about heaven, so he can find out God's traits and glory. In seven Ayah in Holy Quran, seven heaven is mentioned. Yet, new cosmology sciences, did not found any sing of this proposition. . It has caused that some groups, with Adherence to this subject, emphasis on the conflict between science and religion. Because of this, this study is purposed to attention and thinking in Qur'anic Ayah, and also investigating the idea of great Islamic philosopher and Interpreters in the area of Qur’anic proposition of Seven Heavens. While clarifying the concept and evidence of this proposition, it proofs the correlation and matching of science and religion.